Download Plunkett's Retail Industry Almanac 2017 Book

Descriptions Plunkett's Retail Industry Almanac 2017 book

Download Plunkett's Retail Industry Almanac 2017

No other guide covers the complete retail picture like this exciting new volume. The global retail industry is in the midst of vast changes. Malls are being redesigned in the U.S., while new mall construction is booming in Asia. Savvy firms are combining bricks, clicks and catalogs into multi-channel retail powerhouses. Which are the hottest retailers? What lies ahead? Our market research shows you trends and a thorough analysis of technologies, chain stores, shopping centers, mergers, finances and future growth within the industry. Included are major statistical tables showing everything from retail sales by sector, to mall sales per square foot, to the advent of retail-based entertainment venues. Meanwhile, the corporate profiles section covers the Retail 500 Firms, giving you complete profiles of the leading, fastest growing retail chains around the world, both public and private. These profiles include corporate names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, web site addresses, growth pl . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD