A call to spread the gospel is one of the highest honors you can receive. But frustration can set in if you feel called to minister to those with whom you don't share a language. In an effort to address this, Mirna Deborah Balyeat's Spanish With a Mission seamlessly integrates teaching Spanish with gospel-oriented vocabulary and cultural insights. It provides an excellent resource for any individual or group looking to minister to Spanish speakers across the street or abroad. With a vocabulary of more than one thousand words focusing on the themes of family, home, classroom, food, clothes, body, city, the Bible, and witnessing, this guide lays a thorough foundation for basic Spanish conversation in an easy-to-follow format, with exercises to practice what you learn. Moreover, it includes vocabulary for medical applications, construction, agriculture and children missions, as well as Bible texts and Spanish worship songs. As a bonus, cultural notes with biographical information about Hi . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD