Thirty years ago Mickey Hart started researching and gathering information on music. His studio walls eventually became covered by these powerful insights about music, resembling a glowing anaconda that had coiled itself along the walls. Mickey Hart, along with Fred Lieberman, shares these gems from the musical treasure chest the anaconda has guarded all these years. Hart also offers his own insights about the origin and power of music and the sacred ability of music to transform the human spirit. "Music becomes the language of God in the Ears of the believer, a new language, a secret call." - Mickey HartIn Spirit into Sound: The Magic of Music, a magical collection of inspirational quotes, former Grateful Dead member Mickey Hart and ethnomusicologist Fredric Lieberman explore what it is about music that gives it the power to heal, or simply to transform an everyday moment into something of spiritual importance. Over 200 VIPs such as Albert Schweitzer, Billy Joel, Janis Joplin, Woody . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD
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Thirty years ago Mickey Hart started researching and gathering information on music. His studio walls eventually became covered by these powerful insights about music, resembling a glowing anaconda that had coiled itself along the walls. Mickey Hart, along with Fred Lieberman, shares these gems from the musical treasure chest the anaconda has guarded all these years. Hart also offers his own insights about the origin and power of music and the sacred ability of music to transform the human spirit. "Music becomes the language of God in the Ears of the believer, a new language, a secret call." - Mickey HartIn Spirit into Sound: The Magic of Music, a magical collection of inspirational quotes, former Grateful Dead member Mickey Hart and ethnomusicologist Fredric Lieberman explore what it is about music that gives it the power to heal, or simply to transform an everyday moment into something of spiritual importance. Over 200 VIPs such as Albert Schweitzer, Billy Joel, Janis Joplin, Woody . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD
Thirty years ago Mickey Hart started researching and gathering information on music. His studio walls eventually became covered by these powerful insights about music, resembling a glowing anaconda that had coiled itself along the walls. Mickey Hart, along with Fred Lieberman, shares these gems from the musical treasure chest the anaconda has guarded all these years. Hart also offers his own insights about the origin and power of music and the sacred ability of music to transform the human spirit. "Music becomes the language of God in the Ears of the believer, a new language, a secret call." - Mickey HartIn Spirit into Sound: The Magic of Music, a magical collection of inspirational quotes, former Grateful Dead member Mickey Hart and ethnomusicologist Fredric Lieberman explore what it is about music that gives it the power to heal, or simply to transform an everyday moment into something of spiritual importance. Over 200 VIPs such as Albert Schweitzer, Billy Joel, Janis Joplin, Woody . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD