The Quakers are well known for their unique marriage certificates which are signed by all the family members and friends who attend the wedding ceremony, and hence, provide a sort of mini-census. This new collection of transcriptions names the bride and groom, specifies the date and place of the marriage, and also names all the signers of the certificate. There are also page number citations to the original records which are available on microfilm, and an index. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD
Download Quaker Marriage Certificates: Pasquotank, Perquimans, Piney Woods, and Suttons Creek Monthly Meetings, North Carolina, 16771800 Book
Descriptions Quaker Marriage Certificates: Pasquotank, Perquimans, Piney Woods, and Suttons Creek Monthly Meetings, North Carolina, 16771800 PDF
The Quakers are well known for their unique marriage certificates which are signed by all the family members and friends who attend the wedding ceremony, and hence, provide a sort of mini-census. This new collection of transcriptions names the bride and groom, specifies the date and place of the marriage, and also names all the signers of the certificate. There are also page number citations to the original records which are available on microfilm, and an index. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD
The Quakers are well known for their unique marriage certificates which are signed by all the family members and friends who attend the wedding ceremony, and hence, provide a sort of mini-census. This new collection of transcriptions names the bride and groom, specifies the date and place of the marriage, and also names all the signers of the certificate. There are also page number citations to the original records which are available on microfilm, and an index. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD