Excerpt from Francis West of Duxbury, Mass, and Some of His Descendants
1. "Francis West, a house carpenter by trade, being a single man, invited by a Mr. Thomas of Marshfield, Massachusetts, left the town of Salisbury in England and came to N. England, and settled in Duxbury, Mass., and married Margrey Reeves, by whom he had five children, viz., Samuel, Thomas, Peter, Mary and Ruth." So wrote Judge Zebulon West (1707-1770), a great-grandson of the emigrant, who probably learned these facts from his father, also named Francis (1669-1731), who lived with the emigrant in Duxbury until he grew up.
Francis West married Margaret Reeves, in Duxbury, Feb. 27, 1639, and died in that town, Jan. 2, 1692, aged 86. He is spoken of as a carpenter in the Duxbury records, and the Plymouth Colony records show that he made a pair of stocks for the town of Duxbury in 1640. In 1610 and 1642 he was a member of the Grand Jury; in 1642 he bought a house and land in Duxbury (Millbrook); and in . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD