Read 25 in-depth, candid interviews with notable project managers. Discover how project managers work, what they do, how they adapt and make decisions, how they inspire and motivate others, what career lessons and advice they can share, and how they landed their current jobs either as project managers or in more senior positions thanks to their success as project managers. Most of the project managers featured in this book―together with a selection of program managers, executives, entrepreneurs, and CEOs with project management backgrounds and responsibilities―work in the technology sector, but many work in other industries, including banking and financial services, consulting, aerospace, energy, and transportation.
Bruce Harpham, PMP―a project management career advisor and journalist―has chosen interviewees who range across the spectrum of company size and maturity and of individual career stages―from CEOs who were formerly project managers (such as Mavenlink’s Ray Gra . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD