This book is a collection of mental pictures, slippery alliterations, verbal hors d'oeuvres, and a trail of broken consonants that may miss the point but still lead you on to the next page.
This brand new 156 page hardcover book from Baxter is a crossbred collection of cowboy slight of hand, humor, and perspective. It s filled with Baxter s vaguely skewed philosophical observations, and heavily embellished with authentic cowboy cartoons by A-10!
Start your day with laughter, as you read Baxter s view on Golf, Punkin Roller Rodeos, Canine Time or Pestilence! Perfect for a quick shot of cowboy hilarity anytime!
Now, you can have the whole world in your hands . . . or at least a cow trail that crosses the cowmalogical divide. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD