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0133921131 / 9780133921137 Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 6/e
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0321974174 / 9780321974174 Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing, 6e 0133944131 / 9780133944136 MyWritingLab with Pearson eText -- Glue in Access Card
For courses in Writing.
Helping students to craft direct, clear, and engaging writing
Briefer and more readable than full-length texts, Wordsmith: A Guide to College Writing is the antidote to dry, overwrought, and overly expansive writing guides. Wordsmith engages students, serves multiple skill levels, and teaches enduring writing techniques in a way that is actionable, contemporary, hands-on, and fun.
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