This is a clear, up-to-date, and authoritative reference guide to medicines and their effects. Written in an accessible style, this dictionary contains over 4,100 entries on a wide range of medicines available today. Covering prescription, pharmacy, and over-the-counter products, including their side effects and interactions with other medicines, this dictionary is perfect for meeting the increasing demands of patients and their families for information about medical drugs. It features entries for terms used in prescriptions and supply of medicines, and on conditions and the medicines used to treat them. It also features entries for classes of drugs (e.g. antibiotics), generic names (e.g. ibuprofen), and proprietary names (e.g. Prozac).
Supplementary material includes detailed tables on HRT, insulin preparations, nitrates, and oral contraceptives, an appendix on medicines containing aspirin and/or paracetamol, and recommended web links that are accessed and kept up to day via th . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD