Free WBLM to accompany Tu mundo Ebook

Descriptions WBLM to accompany Tu mundo Free Ebook

Download WBLM to accompany Tu mundo

The Cuaderno de actividades (Workbook/Laboratory Manual) to accompany Tu mundo links culture to the main text and to students’ lives. Both the Escríbelo tú and the Conexión cultural sections are introduced in the Tu mundo main text and fully explored in the Cuaderno, thus offering exciting cultural content linked to the Spanish-speaking world. The Cuaderno addresses writing, listening comprehension, speaking, and reading practice: writing activities integrate and reinforce the content presented in the corresponding chapter of the main text; an interactive blog where the characters from Amigos sin Fronteras post comments on current events serves as a springboard for student and teacher written participation; and Enlace auditivo which includes two listening segments that include dialogues, ads, and announcements. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD