Excerpt from History of Hillsborough County, New Hampshire
Nearly three years ago the attention of the publishers, who have long made a specialty of this class of work, was called to the fact that a history of Hillsborough County was needed. After mature deliberation the work was planned and its compilation commenced. The best literary talent in this section of the State for this especial work was engaged, whose names appear at the head of their respective articles, besides many other local Writers on special topics. These gentlemen approached the work in a Spirit of impartiality and thoroughness, and we believe it has been their honest endeavor to trace the history of the development of the territory embodied herein from that period when it was in the undis puted possession of the red man to the present, and to place before the reader an authentic narrative of its rise and progress. The work has been compiled from authenticated and original sources, and no effort spared to prod . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD