Free The Old House Catalogue: 2,500 Products, Services, and Suppliers for Restoring, Decorating, and Furnishing the Period House--From Early American to PDF

Descriptions The Old House Catalogue: 2,500 Products, Services, and Suppliers for Restoring, Decorating, and Furnishing the Period House--From Early American to Free Ebook

Download The Old House Catalogue: 2,500 Products, Services, and Suppliers for Restoring, Decorating, and Furnishing the Period House--From Early American to

2,500 Products, Services and Suppliers for Restoring, Decorating, and Furnishing the Period House - From Early American to 1930's Modern. Numerous photos and drawings in black and white. The book covers Structural Products, Woodwork & Other Fittings, Hardware, Fireplaces & Heating, Floors, Lighting, Fabrics, Paints & Papers, Furniture, Accessories, Bibliography. . CLICK HERE TO START DOWNLOAD